Seal Beach

Seal Beach

Carp Trip

Carp Trip

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Interesting Things about Hawaii...

The milk is really 6.99 per Gallon and that was supposedly on sale! That is at a regular market. They have Foodland and Safeway here. At Cosco and Sam's Club the milk is just a little over $4. Of course, everyone has heard of haoles, but I've picked up a little more slang. Which is called pidgin, it is a combo of Potuguese, etc. etc. Shishi is pee, at work, when you want a urine sample, you say "Make shishi in the bottle." If you are 'pao', you are done, finished. The sunsets are totally cool here, but then Nevada has great sunsets, too. I have seen more rainbows here in the past month than I've seen in probably 5 years in Vegas! Of course, it rains here, just about everyday, but don't leave the beach just because it starts raining. It will clear up and the sun will be shining in 5 minutes. The locals (kama'aina) by land marks like the Ala Wai Canal, or an ABC store, or a restaurant or a beach or whatever, but rarely by the actual name of the street. Getting around here is quite confusing, even after a whole month! The on ramps are not at the end of a street and you have to turn and go up a side street to get on and then there is never an off and an on ramp on the same street. Not to mention all the one way streets and the streets that have one name and then suddenly they change their name when you go through an intersection! The chances that there will be a street sign is probably 50/50!

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