Seal Beach

Seal Beach

Carp Trip

Carp Trip

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tomato Extravaganza!!!

We had an excellent time at the tomato extravaganza-hosted by Heather and orchestrated by
Hazel. Cameron's sisters and mom are the bomb. We cut, boiled, mixed, squished, peeled, etc, until we were red in the face, Heather's floor and countertops were a bit red, too, come to think of it... Kaia was adorable-she had to check and squeeze all tomatoes before they were canned. Auntie Heather awarded her with her first cigarette. Hope it was her last, too!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My favorite Wedding Pictures

We had such a wonderful time at Molly and CJ's wedding. Everyone helped out to make it a lovely family affair that we will all remember and forever cherish the memories.
Molly looked beautiful, as always, but there was a special glow about her on her day.
CJ was a handsome groom and reminded me so much of my big day and my handsome groom.
Anya was amazing-ever the organizer, what would I do without her and Sam? And a beautiful couple, as well.
Garon and Nikki were there-gorgeous and helpful.
Cameron and I love, love, loved it all! Cameron was the perfect date-handsome, supportive and too much fun. No, just the right amount of fun. He is just right.
I love this growing family.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's the birthday month!

I love this month because it is my birthday month, but not only is it my birthday month-it is my honey's birthday month. So we can just celebrate the whole month. I love Cameron's birthday because it is on 09-09-09 this year and he will be 49. In 1999, his birthday was on 09-09-99 and he was 39. These are pretty significant birthdays because they are at the end of each of his decades of life. The last year of his thirties, the last year of his forties. They can be tough birthdays but better to have a tough year the year before you turn 40 or 50 and then just to enjoy the big ones. My toughest birthday was 30, that bothered me quite a bit-but 40 didn't do a thing to me. Wonder what I will think of 50? Cameron is a Virgo and I am a Libra-is there any significance in that? My birthstone is Sapphire and I do love that deep passionate color although my favorite color is red because that, too is a deep vibrant color.

We are thinking of wonderful things to do this month and I am looking forward to spending this month with the love of my life.