Seal Beach

Seal Beach

Carp Trip

Carp Trip

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sam, Sam I Am

Here is our wonderful Son-in-law, who has been overlooked in these last posts. Since he doesn't often pose for pictures, I thought I'd take advantage of this great picture so that I could include him in my blog!

Playing at the Park

Here is clean, green, (well at the park-anyway), beautiful Henderson, this last picture is of the mountains behind our neighborhood from the park where we were playing. They aren't the Napali Coast but beautiful desert mountains, just the same.

Dolphins at Leadbetter Beach

Tickle Torture

Above is the tiger face-you should hear the growl.
These sweethearts love their Honey...they are laying still waiting for the tickle torture to begin.

Attacking Honey.
Taking the torture seriously.

Old Mission

Whose that bad guy in the jailhouse?
The Lavador-where they did their wirshing.

The Old Mission which has been rebuilt due to earthquakes and fires-did I really want to live here for 3 months?
Tannery Vats-Cameron said they tanned their hides here. Was he referring to their children or wild animals? Same difference.
Grist Mill-where's the grocery store?

Santa Barbara Natural History Museum

Isn't this the cutest little bear you've ever seen? The museum was fun-we got a private tour of the octopus area by an actual scientist.

Then we had lunch outside in a lovely picnic area next to a stream. No Fishing allowed here. LOL Here is the skeleton of a blue whale-someone did some fishin'!

Next, we were kicked out of the museum by some hoity toity Santa Barbarians who were having a flower show-the arrangements were beautful, they were in the middle of their judging and didn't want a couple of Las Vegans in there.

Maritime Museum

This is a pirate ship, no, not really, but since I am posting these pics for Noah and Isaac, for all of my intents and purposes-it is a pirate ship.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Famliar Faces in Santa Barbara

News Flash:

We've spotted some Spectors in Santa Barbara, California. They are a rare breed and beautiful to behold.

Nan and Ira were in town for a special wedding and we had the opportunity to have breakfast with them at the first and the last...Sambo's!

Amy's dear friend Nicole Porter was married at the Four Seasons in Sata Barbara, it was so great to see Nan and Ira-it was as if we took up right where we left off the last time we saw them-don't you love friends like that?

I often sit and wish that I, Could be a kite up in the sky, And ride upon the breeze and go, Whichever way I chanced to blow.

Noah loves kites! I learn something new about that incredible boy everyday. I'm so happy that he loves kites, it is so wonderful to see him with pure joy in his handsome face.

Life is like a box of never know which one you're gonna get.

Well, maybe some people don't know which one they are going to get, but Ikey-boy does. All he has to do is take a bite out of each one. Isn't he adorable? We are still eating chocolate covered macadamias with caramel from Hawaii-Grandma thinks they are delicious, too.